What do you think Web Design really is?

Most people probably think that creative design is all about creation of new fresh ideas - while sitting on red valour lounges with a sketch pad. Well, sometimes it is, but most of the time its about researching, adopting, and modifying.

Creative design, just like programming, frequently takes existing ideas and uses them as inspiration for something new. Although the original design may have been the start - the end product usually looks very little like the original idea. In programming the same is true, and probably more so. Interweaving reuses elements of technology, programming and design every time we build a website. In fact one of the untold truths of web development, is that the completely original applications and designs are what is REALLY expensive.

What this means in real terms is Reuse. Reuse saves you an enormous amount of money, time, and avoids risk. Through reuse we can now deliver web projects that would have cost tens of thousands a few years ago, for only a few thousand dollars now. Most of the building blocks of web development are already available if you know where to find them.

So what does that mean? In simple terms that means that 80% of everything you would like to do in any web project can be done quickly, simply, and cheaply. It also means that the other 20% of what you may want is either impractical or unnecessary. If enough people in the world have wanted what your requesting before you, the world of programming would have probably built it already. You will be surprise how much is available right off the shelf to meet your needs.

What is very important is your organisation's brand and style. Web design takes your brand and formalises it into a style specification. The style sheet describes the logo, image elements, fonts, colours, textures, and format for your website. Sometimes this is just an extension of an already well defined offline style. Although frequently it requires significant interpretation or stylising to make the transition to online.

The end result is that a website is a combination of a large share of reused technology & design, some custom applications and creative design, and a liberal amount of stylising to interpret your business brand online. After that, all you need is a self-administered content management system and original content (information); and you have an extremely usable and valuable website.

That last thing to understand may be counter-intuitive to you. Most of the custom creative design happens just before delivery. With modern technology websites are built using a content management system. First you create a website map that defines the size and shape of a website. Then we create navigation, visual elements, web technology, and everything that shapes each web page. After that the style sheet is applied, and the website becomes fully functional with all the technical elements required. This is when the truly creative element of web design is applied. It is taking a functional and usable website and making it attractive - infusing your organisations look and feel in the process.

Every website is different. Some end up being all about the technology, and others are only about the design. Interweaving understands that both elements are important, and we can customise your website to represent how important each element is to you.


Think Longevity, Develop Brevity

The number one risk of web development is NOT FINISHING.  Most web development projects shouldn't take from a few days to weeks to develop.  The remaining projects should be broken down into development iterations that only take a few weeks at a time.  Statistically the longer a project takes, the more likely it will be to fail.

Our development process is about short bursts of activity, that have rapid deliverables which maximise the value of any company.  As a practice we don't develop projects that take more than 4 weeks as a single project.  We break large projects up into tight scheduled deliveries with their own milestones, each over less than 4 weeks.

Most client projects can be delivered in a few weeks.  Our projects are designed to offer maximum value in the shortest period of time once scheduled production begins. 

In this process we engage with you and set appropriate expectations; research, plan, and analyse; create, brand, and design; assemble, program, and engineer; delivering you a new way to do business.  In order to achieve these things you need to be dedicated to the process.  The primary outcome is a business that works for you; is efficient and effective; no wasted movement; and you are in full control with real time information.

The short story is that this is a short story!  An efficient process that will deliver an effective business quickly.

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What do you think Web Design really is?


Think Longevity, Develop Brevity


The Internet can do just about anything - but should you?



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