Internet Strategy

The stronger the difference the more things are the same

The Internet is transforming the world at an extrodinary pace.  In the Dot Com Boom (and eventual crash) everyone focused on the "revolution" and what the future was going to be like.  When asked why traditional rules and experience applied, executives from Internet companies just looked at you blankly.  Yes, the world is being grossly influenced by the Internet, real time information, and connective relationships.  However, traditional business concepts still are the fundamental principals of the Internet.  They just need to be applied with open eyes and creative thinking. 

Internet Strategy is still about the fundamentals:  Leadership, Economics, Market Forces, Value Chains, Yield Management, Human Capital, Distribution, Cost vs Differentiation, Build or Buy, Location (Domain Name), Marketing, Operational Efficiency, etc.



Building an online business is no different than building a bricks and mortar business - a business plan.  What goes in that plan?  Do these topics sound familiar?

  • Governance
  • Strategy
  • Management
  • Operations
  • Marketing
  • Promotion
  • People
  • Finance
  • Performance
  • Risk

Don't get me wrong.  The Internet is not business as usual!  Doing business online requires a keen understanding of the nature of the Internet.  Meaning the fundamentals of how it actually works, emerging trends, social interactions, and a phlethora of other things.  This requires Internet expertise and experience.  There is no faster way of losing money than entering the Internet without the help of someone who is experienced.

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