Web Development Process

Is it about the business, technology or the design?

Actually it is about the customer!  It doesn't matter if you are a business or a non-profit organisation - it is always about who you serve.  How do they feel, and what do they want?  Technology and design are about serving the end user.  Building the website is about combining all of the factors of development to produce a website quickly, with all the technology, at a price which offers a great return on investment.

Building websites is a concert of a wide array of elements that need to come together in a very precise way to deliver a prescribed outcome.  Shorthand - it needs to work!  Users need to enjoy your website - even if the source of that enjoyment is just highly usable functionality.  Can you imagine going to a website and actually enjoying paying a parking ticket as it was so hassle free?
There are four major areas of web control to consider:

  1. Presentation layer - look, feel, style, assignment of screen real estate, navigation
  2. Logic layer -performs calculations, offers technology to present content (slide shows, lists, galleries, forums), user interaction mechanisms, user input
  3. Administration layer - in modern content management systems the administration layer gives instructions to the presentation, logic, and data layers.  This includes adding, editing, and deleting content; configuring technology used; and controlling things like time and administration functions.  It sits between the website presentation and the logic & the data layer.  In essence everything is stored in the database and the administration layer gives all instructions on how it will present and behave.
  4. Data layer - the database stores almost all the information for a website.  Its only purpose is to serve and store information in most cases.

Build Process

Building a website starts with creating a vision, plan, creative elements, specifications - and then finally building it.  The building part of development is actually one of the least important activities as the majority of work that is preformed has already been defined and carefully thought out.

Standard Technology

  • The content management system is installed.
  • A temporary design structure is implemented so that the presentation layer can function
  • Menu structure schema is implemented
  • Technology modules and existing components are applied
  • Sample content is uploaded to the database

Custom Technology

  • Forms are developed with their business logic validation of fields
  • Custom applications of modules and extensions are created
  • Application interfaces are created
  • Processing technology specific to unique content needs are implemented

Administration Controls

  • Applications that manipulate content which cannot be managed in the administration back-end are applied and tested
  • Administration controls based on access levels are assigned
  • Backup, security, and website optimisations are installed and configured
  • Back-end configuration of quotations, invoices, project management, customer management, and others are applied
  • Time controls for automated functions are inserted

Creative Design

  • Style sheet is created and applied
  • Custom structures and screen elements are installed
  • Graphical content are tailored to the website
  • Client is involved in pre-delivery modifications and approval process
  • Final graphics are optimised for web

Database Development

  • Database engineering commences to create custom tables and structures
  • Database is checked for integrity
  • Sample data is discarded
  • Database is optimised for speed

Standards Testing

  • Website is checked for compliance to the relevant standards
  • Alterations are made for instances of failure to achieve best fit
  • Dead link and 404 testing is preformed

Technical Specification

  • Documents specific to development are written
  • Code is commented as modifications are made
  • Database structure is documented if required
  • Previous documentation is checked against the build

Every web development is unique.  Sometimes even what appears to be simple changes can be very labourious, and things that may seem complex are very simple.  During a development build changes can be very costly.  Interweaving tries diligently to make clients aware of the cost of changes during construction before any work is preformed.  The work performed during a build is very much like the framing of a house.  A lot happens all at once, and it begins to look very much like a house - but there is a lot to be done before you can move in.


Think Longevity, Develop Brevity

The number one risk of web development is NOT FINISHING.  Most web development projects shouldn't take from a few days to weeks to develop.  The remaining projects should be broken down into development iterations that only take a few weeks at a time.  Statistically the longer a project takes, the more likely it will be to fail.

Our development process is about short bursts of activity, that have rapid deliverables which maximise the value of any company.  As a practice we don't develop projects that take more than 4 weeks as a single project.  We break large projects up into tight scheduled deliveries with their own milestones, each over less than 4 weeks.

Most client projects can be delivered in a few weeks.  Our projects are designed to offer maximum value in the shortest period of time once scheduled production begins. 

In this process we engage with you and set appropriate expectations; research, plan, and analyse; create, brand, and design; assemble, program, and engineer; delivering you a new way to do business.  In order to achieve these things you need to be dedicated to the process.  The primary outcome is a business that works for you; is efficient and effective; no wasted movement; and you are in full control with real time information.

The short story is that this is a short story!  An efficient process that will deliver an effective business quickly.


The Internet can do just about anything - but should you?

Web design and development is full of shiny baubles and neat gizmos.  There are all sorts of things that are just fascinating.  We know because we love looking for and integrating new technology.  BUT....what you really should be asking yourself every time you think of doing something new is "How will this improve my organisation; Is it worth the customer's time?; and What is the value that it offers the user?"

Online users have a short attention span and little patience for things that do not directly serve them.  You shouldn't waste the user's time talking about yourself.  Make things simple and efficient, and above all else ask yourself, "If I were a customer would I enjoy doing this? Would I tolerate it? Would it make me angry? or Would it entice me to take action?"

Websites are about your customers, not about your business!  They want information, service, and efficiency. Every step in the information, service, or buying process that you put in front of them will reduce your positive outcomes and maximise your negative ones. Every field that you put into a form for people to fill out will make people suspicious and angry.  Keep it simple!  Customers want websites that are self explanatory, useful, and easy to use.

Its about improving your business.  The best way to do that online is to make your website useful and usable for your customers.  That all starts with a plan:

  •     Learn how your customers think with web research.
  •     Analyse your true competitive position in your marketplace, and differentiate yourself by offering the best value.
  •     Focus on the user perspective, and never make them do something you wouldn't enjoy doing yourself.
  •     Don't try to emulate your offline business with an online brochure - think Internet efficiency!

Business Process Management

Why is business process management interesting?  You might think that by its very nature - it's boring.  The process is about turning living breathing strategic businesses and the people in them into robots isn't it? 

That is exactly what it isn't about!  Business process management is about reducing and eliminating repetitive and manual work that can be done more efficiently utilizing techonology or new processes.  This in turn enables people to be more fulfilled by their work and apply themselves to creative and innovative work instead.

When you ask someone in business why something is done in a particular way, you frequently hear "that's the way it has always been done".  When you go further and ask what the reasoning behind the process is - they often don't have any idea.  Why?

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Web Development Process


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Think Longevity, Develop Brevity


The Internet can do just about anything - but should you?



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